المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سؤال عن الـ ntdsutil و الـ dsdbutil والـ dnscmd والـ wbadmin وغيرهم

11-04-2009, 06:53
السلام عليكم

يا اخوان يممكن اي احد يساعدني في فهم هذه الكماند ..مافائدتها واين تستخدم - على الاقل المهمات منها - وهي اوامر الدوس التالية :


لو كان في كماند مهمة غير الي ذكرتا ياريت لو توضحوا

ولكم كل الشكر والتقدير

11-04-2009, 07:20
حضرتك ممكن تدخل على help and support center والموجوده على السيرفر
start------------->help and supportcenter

هتلاقى شرح اوامر command line كل ما عليك انك تكتب الامر فخانه البحث وهتلاقى الناتج وادى مثال لشرح فائده امر

Using NtdsutilNtdsutil.exe is a command-line tool that provides management facilities for Active Directory. Use Ntdsutil to perform database maintenance of Active Directory, manage and control single master operations, remove metadata left behind by domain controllers that were removed from the network without being properly uninstalled, and create application directory partitions. The tool has a series of menus that allow you to move between different management tasks. This tool is intended to be used by experienced administrators. By default, Ntdsutil is installed in the systemroot\System32 folder and can be accessed at the command prompt. For command-line information about the Ntdsutil command-line tool, see Ntdsutil.

You can invoke Ntdsutil from the command prompt with no arguments. Rather than support and extend an ever-increasing set of cryptic command-line arguments, the tool parses keyboard input after you invoke it. For example, you can type the following:

list roles for connected server

connect to server xxx

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
(بدل من ان تعطه السمكه علمه كيف يصطادها )

11-04-2009, 08:39
حضرتك ممكن تدخل على help and support center والموجوده على السيرفر
start------------->help and supportcenter

هتلاقى شرح اوامر command line كل ما عليك انك تكتب الامر فخانه البحث وهتلاقى الناتج وادى مثال لشرح فائده امر

Using NtdsutilNtdsutil.exe is a command-line tool that provides management facilities for Active Directory. Use Ntdsutil to perform database maintenance of Active Directory, manage and control single master operations, remove metadata left behind by domain controllers that were removed from the network without being properly uninstalled, and create application directory partitions. The tool has a series of menus that allow you to move between different management tasks. This tool is intended to be used by experienced administrators. By default, Ntdsutil is installed in the systemroot\System32 folder and can be accessed at the command prompt. For command-line information about the Ntdsutil command-line tool, see Ntdsutil.

You can invoke Ntdsutil from the command prompt with no arguments. Rather than support and extend an ever-increasing set of cryptic command-line arguments, the tool parses keyboard input after you invoke it. For example, you can type the following:

list roles for connected server

connect to server xxx

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
(بدل من ان تعطه السمكه علمه كيف يصطادها )

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