المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : NVIDIA GeForce Forceware 195.55

17-11-2009, 18:58
مع اني مليش علاقة بـ nVidia ( ومش عايز يبقى ليَّ علاقة بيها لاسباب شخصية ) :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
بس وأنا بتجول كده في الموقع لقيت تعريف جديد نزل فقلت احطهلكم عشان اخواتنا في المنتدى يستفادو منه :)

NVIDIA GeForce Forceware 195.55


New in Version 195.55
Adds GPU-acceleration for smoother online HD videos with the new Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. Learn more here.
Adds support for GeForce GT 240.
Adds support for OpenCL 1.0 (Open Computing Language) for all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Adds support for CUDA Toolkit 3.0 features and performance enhancements. See CUDA Zone for more details.
Adds SLI and multi-GPU support for many top new gaming titles including Borderlands, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, FIFA Soccer 10, and more.
Includes numerous bug fixes including improved performance for Need for Speed: Shift. Refer to the release notes on the documentation tab for information about the key bug fixes in this release

Download :
ForceWare 195.55 Windows XP x86 (https://downloads.guru3d.com/ForceWare-195.55-Windows-XP-x86-download-2428.html)
ForceWare 195.55 Windows 7 | Vista x86 (https://downloads.guru3d.com/ForceWare-195.55-Windows-7-%7C-Vista-x86-download-2427.html)
ForceWare 195.55 Windows 7 | Vista x64 (https://downloads.guru3d.com/ForceWare-195.55-Windows-7-%7C-Vista-x64-download-2426.html)

المصدر (https://www.guru3d.com/news/nvidia-geforce-forceware-19555-driver-out/)

17-11-2009, 19:08
في وقته!

مشكور اخي

17-11-2009, 19:13

This is a WHQL-candidate driver for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200-series desktop GPUs and ION desktop GPUs.
New in Version 195.55
Adds GPU-acceleration for smoother online HD videos with the new Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. Learn more here (https://www.nvidia.com/object/adobe_flashplayer_plus_nvidia.html).
Adds support for GeForce GT 240 (https://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_gt_240_us.html).
Adds support for OpenCL 1.0 (Open Computing Language (https://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_opencl.html)) for all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Adds support for CUDA Toolkit 3.0 features and performance enhancements. See CUDA Zone (https://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home.html) for more details.
Adds SLI and multi-GPU support for many top new gaming titles including Borderlands, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, FIFA Soccer 10, and more.
Includes numerous bug fixes including improved performance for Need for Speed: Shift. Refer to the release notes on the documentation tab for information about the key bug fixes in this release.
Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here (https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx).
Existing Support: Supports DirectCompute (https://www.nvidia.com/object/directcompute.html) with Windows 7 and GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports OpenGL 3.2 for GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports NVIDIA 3D Vision Discover (https://www.nvidia.com/object/3D_Vision_Discover_Main.html), a complete, low cost solution to start your immersive stereoscopic 3D experience. NOTE: If you are using NVIDIA 3D Vision active shutter glasses, you must download the separate 3D Vision driver which includes the driver for the 3D Vision IR emitter.
Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology (https://www.slizone.com/page/home.html) on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards.
Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on a dedicated GeForce graphics card. Use one card for graphics and dedicate a different card for PhysX processing for game-changing physical effects. This driver installs PhysX System Software version 9.09.0814. Learn more here (https://www.slizone.com/object/sli_cuda_learn.html).
Download (https://www.nvidia.com/content/graphicsplus/us/download.asp) these FREE PhysX and CUDA applications now!
Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software (https://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_system_tools.html).

17-11-2009, 19:18
وشكرا على مروركم يا شباب :)

This is a WHQL-candidate driver for GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, and 200-series desktop GPUs and ION desktop GPUs.
New in Version 195.55
Adds GPU-acceleration for smoother online HD videos with the new Adobe Flash 10.1 beta. Learn more here (https://www.nvidia.com/object/adobe_flashplayer_plus_nvidia.html).
Adds support for GeForce GT 240 (https://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_gt_240_us.html).
Adds support for OpenCL 1.0 (Open Computing Language (https://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_opencl.html)) for all GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Adds support for CUDA Toolkit 3.0 features and performance enhancements. See CUDA Zone (https://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home.html) for more details.
Adds SLI and multi-GPU support for many top new gaming titles including Borderlands, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, FIFA Soccer 10, and more.
Includes numerous bug fixes including improved performance for Need for Speed: Shift. Refer to the release notes on the documentation tab for information about the key bug fixes in this release.
Users without US English operating systems can select their language and download the International driver here (https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx).
Existing Support: Supports DirectCompute (https://www.nvidia.com/object/directcompute.html) with Windows 7 and GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports OpenGL 3.2 for GeForce 8-series and later GPUs.
Supports NVIDIA 3D Vision Discover (https://www.nvidia.com/object/3D_Vision_Discover_Main.html), a complete, low cost solution to start your immersive stereoscopic 3D experience. NOTE: If you are using NVIDIA 3D Vision active shutter glasses, you must download the separate 3D Vision driver which includes the driver for the 3D Vision IR emitter.
Supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI technology (https://www.slizone.com/page/home.html) on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL, including 3-way SLI, Quad SLI, and SLI support on SLI-certified Intel X58-based motherboards.
Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on a dedicated GeForce graphics card. Use one card for graphics and dedicate a different card for PhysX processing for game-changing physical effects. This driver installs PhysX System Software version 9.09.0814. Learn more here (https://www.slizone.com/object/sli_cuda_learn.html).
Download (https://www.nvidia.com/content/graphicsplus/us/download.asp) these FREE PhysX and CUDA applications now!
Supports GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring by installing NVIDIA System Tools software (https://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_system_tools.html)

وشكرا ايها الرجل مكسور السرعة على الايضاح ( هو أنت كسر سرعتك لغاية كام ؟؟ :D)

17-11-2009, 19:18
سلمت اخي :)

17-11-2009, 19:23

زاد عندي الاداء HWAX بمقدور 20 فريم تقريبا

لو أني محذفتها كان جبتلكم صور منها

سيء !!

الفريم يهبط بشدة !

لازال بيتا وليس رسمي ؟

17-11-2009, 19:29
هل هنالك نسخة لوندوز فيستا 32 بت ؟! اريدها لان الوندوز الي عندي هو فيستا 32 بت ...

17-11-2009, 19:35
سلمت اخي :)
الله يسلمك
وشكرا على مرورك

17-11-2009, 19:36

زاد عندي الاداء HWAX بمقدور 20 فريم تقريبا

لو أني محذفتها كان جبتلكم صور منها

سيء !!

الفريم يهبط بشدة !

لازال بيتا وليس رسمي ؟
أنا مش فاهم يعني هو حلو ولا وحش
أنت قلت زاد فريم وبعدها بسطرين قلت يهبط بشدة
ياريت توضح قصدك بالضبط

17-11-2009, 19:38
هل هنالك نسخة لوندوز فيستا 32 بت ؟! اريدها لان الوندوز الي عندي هو فيستا 32 بت ...
أخي x86 هي النسخة ال 32-bit
نزل من هذا ForceWare 195.55 Windows 7 | Vista x86 (https://downloads.guru3d.com/ForceWare-195.55-Windows-7-%7C-Vista-x86-download-2427.html)

17-11-2009, 19:39
شكرا لك..

حتى الآن لا شيء رسمي على موقع نفيديا !

17-11-2009, 19:42
شكرا لك..

حتى الآن لا شيء رسمي على موقع نفيديا !


17-11-2009, 21:05
تمت التجربة على بعض الالعاب ... لم يفرق كثيراً عن التعريف 191.07

17-11-2009, 21:53
زيادة 1 اطار في معدل الاطارت في HAWX عن 191

زيادة 8 اطارت في اكثر عدد اطارات في HAWX عن 191

زيادة 10 اطارات في معدل الاطارات في Protoype عن 191

على 191 كانت بين 38 - 40 اطار في هذه المنطقة

على 195 بين 47 - 52 اطار في هذه المنطقة



18-11-2009, 00:33
شكرا يا عزيزى على التعريف ولكن افضل ...نزول الWHQL ...:)

18-11-2009, 00:53
زيادة 1 اطار في معدل الاطارت في HAWX عن 191

زيادة 8 اطارت في اكثر عدد اطارات في HAWX عن 191

زيادة 10 اطارات في معدل الاطارات في Protoype عن 191

على 191 كانت بين 38 - 40 اطار في هذه المنطقة

على 195 بين 47 - 52 اطار في هذه المنطقة


شكرا على الايضاح :):)

18-11-2009, 00:54
شكرا يا عزيزى على التعريف ولكن افضل ...نزول الWHQL ...:)

عفوا يا صام وانا لقيته قدامي فقلت اجيبهلكم :):)