المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : LPI Documentation ==> LPIC-1 , LPIC-2 ,LPIC-3

28-04-2010, 18:12
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هل تريد الدخول فى عالم جنو\لينوكس GNU/Linux
و تسأل من اين أبدأ ؟ :ah30:

Linux Professional Institute

Introduce yourself to Linux, and advance your proficiency, through a spectrum of self-paced tutorials.
https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/vi...49&Submit.y=10 (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/views/linux/libraryview.jsp?sort_by=Title&show_abstract=true&show_all=false&search_flag=true&topic_by=All+topics+and+related+products&type_by=All+Types&search_by=lpi+exam+topic&Submit.x=49&Submit.y=10)

With these tutorials, you can build fundamental skills on Linux systems administration at your level of expertise:

* Foundational concepts (the 101- and 102-series tutorials are for you)
https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/li...AGX03&S_CMP=LP (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi/101.html?S_TACT=105AGX03&S_CMP=LP)
* Intermediate to advanced topics (see the 201- and 202-series tutorials)
* Expert topics (go directly to the 301-series tutorials)
https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/li...AGX03&S_CMP=LP (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi/301.html?S_TACT=105AGX03&S_CMP=LP)

Prepare for LPI certification

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) https://www.lpi.org/
certifies Linux system administrators at three levels:

* Certification level 1 (Junior level)
* Certification level 2 (Advanced level)
* Certification level 3 (Senior level)

To attain certification level 1, you must pass LPIC-1 exams 101 and 102.
To attain certification level 2, you must pass LPIC-2 exams 201 and 202.
To attain certification level 3, you must pass LPIC-3 exam 301 (“core”) and have an active certification level 2. You may also need to pass additional specialty exams at the senior level.

Before you take the exams, review these developer Works tutorials, designed as study guides for each topic in the five exams.
These tutorials serve as a comprehensive self-study guide so you can take the exams with confidence.
Get started with the tutorials on these pages, and we’ll add the rest as we complete them.
Good luck in preparing for certification!

سوف تجد الكتب التالية
LPIC-1 ==> 11 pdf
LPIC-2 ==> 15 pdf
LPIC-3 ==> 6 pdf
And some extra {some images} and files like :


To test your self :ah2:
Which is LPI - Exam Emulation
https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/03/0x10-lpic...-301-test.html (https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/03/0x10-lpic-301-online-lpic-301-test.html)

Another web site to test your level :ah27:
https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/03/0x10-lpic...-301-test.html (https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/03/0x10-lpic-301-online-lpic-301-test.html)
https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/07/0x08-lpic...line-exam.html (https://blog.ooz.ie/2008/07/0x08-lpic-302-lpic-117-302-online-exam.html)

Generally you can benefit from useful topics @

And if you wish ==> Red Hat

Level of Linux Expertise
To determine your level of experience, take our pre-assessment questionnaires. @

Remember it is all GNU/Linux :) i.e the same essentials ..... etc

بالتوفيق للجميع

30-04-2010, 04:30
Abo-Taha ألف ألف شكر ليك على جهودك ، وبارك الله فيك أخي الفاضل . (https://www.arabhardware.net/forum/member.php?u=11202437)

06-05-2010, 14:35
مشكور اخى ابو طه وجزاك الله خيراا

22-05-2010, 07:11
بارك الله فيك
بس انا كنت عايز اعرف النظام التعليمي او البييئه التعليميه لنظام اليونكس بالتفصيل

فعلي سبيل المثال
MicroSoft System's
1- Mcp المتمثل في ال(( Client )) وكيفيهHow To Service This Client in the NetWork)
2-Mcsa المتمثل في The Administrator وكيفيه اداره الشبكه و حمايتها
3- Mcse المتمثله في البيئه الاساسيه للشبكه و هندستها ومعالجه عيوبها وتطويرها وحمايتها

فبارك الله فيك لو ممكن الشرح بالتفصيل عن
ما هي شهادات اليونكس بالترتيب
ما عمل كل شهاده فيهم
وما الدور الذي يقوم به حامل هذه الشهاده في نظام شبكات اخر و ليكن MicroSoft
وهل لهذه الشهادات Update مثل ال Microsoft
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