المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Object Oriented

10-03-2011, 19:52
مرحبا شباب أنا عندي هل مسئلتين ما عرفت حلون ممكن حدا يساعدني بحلون
إلكم شكرا

مسئلة الأولى

We want to manipulate polynomials. A polynomial is a sequence of terms. A term is a pair (exponent, coefficient) where the exponent is a non-negative integer and the coefficient is a real number. For example, we want to handle the polynomial: 3.4 x3 - 1.2 x + 126
1- Implement the class Polynomial. The operations on polynomials are:
a. Add 2 polynomials
b. Multiply 2 polynomials
c. Print a polynomial
2- Test your class Polynomial and its methods.
مسئلة ثانية

A company has decided to categorize their staff in two main classes: those who are part of the management departments and those who work in the factories. This classification is needed due to the different formulas used to calculate the salary of employees of each category.
The method displaySalaryReport(baseSalary: Integer, days: Integer) of the class AddressBook the list of all the employees of the company with their corresponding salary amount. These salaries are calculated by calling the computeSalary method.
The method computeSalary(baseSalary: Integer, days: Integer): Integer returns the salary of an employee according to the following formulas:
For the BoardMember employee: salary = baseSalary + days*35 + age*100
For the Worker employee: salary = baseSalary + days*45 + age*50

where; baseSalary is the first input parameter, an Integer value indicating the base salary amount for the employees; days is the second parameter, an Integer value indicating the number of days the salary employees has been working without a payment; and age is the age of the employee whose salary is being calculated.
The displaySalaryReport(baseSalary: Integer, days: Integer) method should call the computeSalary method of each employee in the AddressBook and display the name of the employee and its corresponding salary, similar to:
Ahmad HOUSSEIN $ 1500
Housam ALSAID $ 1000