المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نا عايز اعرف بسرعه لو سمحتوا

محمد عبدالحكم
23-08-2012, 08:25
حملت من علي النت ملف backe info
وبعد كده شكل سطح الكتب اتغير
هو كده ممكن يكون هاك
انا كنت بنزل كورس cmitp

واللي مكتوب اهوو
وسؤال تاني هو انا ممكن اكون client لاي سرفير من غير ما اعرف
وهو مكن اكون client من علي شبكه تانيه موجوده مثلا في الجيزة وانا في القاهره

;; This INI file should use the following format
;; [General]
;; BackgroundColor = <COLORREF value> ; The background color to use (default = 0 (black))
;; AutoBackground = [0 | 1] ; Use background color of current desktop (default = 0)
;; BackgroundBitmap = <path to BMP file> ; Overrides AutoBackground and BackgroundColor values. Loads background bitmap from BMP file
;; XOffset = <horizontal offset in pixels> ; Horizontal offest of the entire text block from the bitmap's center. Can be negative. Default = 0
;; YOffset = <vertical offset in pixels> ; Vertical offest of the entire text block from the bitmap's center. Can be negative. Default = 0
;; Output = <file name> ; Name of output bitmap file (default = "", use popup message)
;; UpdateDesktop = [0 | 1] ; Update background desktop bitmap (default = 0)
;; ForceDesktopCenter = [0 | 1] ; Force the desktop to display the bitmap as cenetered (instead of tiled / streched). Default = 1

;; LineSpacing = <value> ; Line spacing (default = 3)
;; SuppressErrors = [0 | 1] ; If 1, errors are NOT displayed (default = 0)
;; [LineN] ; Text settings for line N, where N between [1..20]
;; Type = [CompName | UserName | SysVer | ; Type of information to display on the line
;; SysInfo | NetInfo | FileVer |
;; RegValue | FreeText |
UpdateTime | Unused]
;; ; CompName - Computer name
;; ; UserName - User name
;; ; SysVer - Operating system version
;; ; SysInfo - Hardware information
;; ; NetInfo - Network information
;; ; FileVer - Version of a file specified in 'FileName' option
;; ; RegValue - Registry string value.
;; ; Reg root from 'RegRoot' (e.g. HKLM)
;; ; Reg path from 'RegPath' (e.g. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)
;; ; Reg value from 'RegValue' (e.g. CurrentType)
;; ; Reg title from 'RegTitle' (e.g. "The value of X is")
;; ; FreeText - Text specified in 'Text' will be displayed as is
;; ; UpdateTime - The date and time the bitmap was created
;; ; Unused - Line will not be displayed
;; Font = <Face name> ; Font name (default = "Arial")
;; Size = <Font size> ; Font size (default = 22)
;; Color = <COLORREF value> ; Font color (default = WHITE)
;; Bold = [0 | 1] ; Font boldness (default = 0)
;; Italic = [0 | 1] ; Font italicness (default = 0)
;; Alignment = [Left | Right | Center] ; Font alignment (default = Left)
;; ShadowX = <X offset value> ; Shadow X offset (positive only, 0 = No X shadow. Default = 0)
;; ShadowY = <Y offset value> ; Shadow Y offset (positive only, 0 = No Y shadow. Default = 0)
;; ShadowColor = <COLORREF value> ; Shadow Color (default = 0 (black))
;; RegRoot = [HKLM | HKCU] ; Registry root to use for 'Type' = 'RegValue'
;; RegPath = <Registry path to read from> ; Registry path to use for 'Type' = 'RegValue'
;; RegValue = <Registry value to read from> ; Registry value to use for 'Type' = 'RegValue'. Must be of type REG_SZ
;; RegTitle = <Display title of read value> ; Registry value to use for 'Type' = 'RegValue'
;; Text = <free text to display> ; Free text to display. Used if 'Type' = 'FreeText'
;; FilePath = <full path to file> ; Path to file to display version for. Used if 'Type' = 'FileVer'
;; FileName = <display name of file> ; Display name of file specified in 'FilePath'. Used if 'Type' = 'FileVer'

BackgroundColor = 0
AutoBackground = 1
Output = %temp%\backinfo.bmp
UpdateDesktop = 1
LineSpacing = 2
ForceDesktopCenter = 1
XOffset = 100
YOffset = -250

Font = Trebuchet MS
Size = 42
Color = 16777215
Bold = 1
Italic = 0
Alignment = Center
ShadowX = 2
ShadowY = 2
ShadowColor = 4210752
Type = CompName

Font = Trebuchet MS
Size = 20
Color = 10526880
Bold = 0
Italic = 0
Alignment = Center
ShadowX = 0
ShadowY = 0
ShadowColor = 4210752
Type = UserName

Font = Trebuchet MS
Size = 20
Color = 10526880
Bold = 0
Italic = 0
Alignment = Center
ShadowX = 0
ShadowY = 0
ShadowColor = 4210752
Type = NetInfo

Font = Trebuchet MS
Size = 20
Color = 10526880
Bold = 0
Italic = 0
Alignment = Center
ShadowX = 0
ShadowY = 0
ShadowColor = 4210752
Type = Unused
;; SAMPLE - how to display free text lines
; [Line6]
; Font = Trebuchet MS
; Size = 20
; Color = 10526880
; Bold = 0
; Italic = 0
; Alignment = Center
; ShadowX = 0
; ShadowY = 0
; ShadowColor = 4210752
; Type = FreeText
; Text = System path is %windir%
;; SAMPLE - how to display file version
; [Line7]
; Font = Trebuchet MS
; Size = 20
; Color = 10526880
; Bold = 0
; Italic = 0
; Alignment = Center
; ShadowX = 0
; ShadowY = 0
; ShadowColor = 4210752
; Type = FileVer
; FilePath = %ProgramFiles%\backinfo\backinfo.exe
; FileName = backinfo.exe
;; SAMPLE - how to display registry value
; [Line8]
; Font = Trebuchet MS
; Size = 20
; Color = 10526880
; Bold = 0
; Italic = 0
; Alignment = Center
; ShadowX = 0
; ShadowY = 0
; ShadowColor = 4210752
; Type = RegValue
; RegRoot = HKLM
; RegPath = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
; RegValue = CurrentType
; RegTitle = OS type

23-08-2012, 09:38
اولا استاذ محمد انا مش فاهم قصدك ايه
كنت بتحمل ملف من على النت والخلفيه اتغيرت ايه علاقه ده ب MCITP ده لو قصدك الكورس ده

السؤال التانى عن الClient ز
اى تعامل مع اى سيرفر بتاخد منه خدمه يعنى انت تبقى علاقه
Client -server

محمد عبدالحكم
23-08-2012, 09:50
شكرا علي الرد اولا
الملفات اللي كنت بحملها كانت معاها ملف اسمه " backinfo " كان من ضمن ملفات لكورس mcitp

23-08-2012, 09:51
ممكن اللينك اللى بتحمل منه الملفات لو ممكن
