المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعدة فى تركيب راوتر 7200 ليعمل internet gateway

Dr Virus.exe
28-11-2012, 09:57
السلام عليكم
انا عندى راوتر 7206 شغال internet gateway بينى و بين ال isp و شغال bgp وكل اشى تمام .
الكيبل بيبنى و بين ال isp هو فايبر

المهم ,

الان صار ال cpu عالى فى الراوتر لانو الحمل زاد على الراوتر .
الان انا ما بدى اطلب من ال isp ارفع سرعة ال internet لانو ال cpu مش متحمل ........ و لكن انا مفكر انى اشترى كمان راوتر 7200 و بدى الراوترين يشتغلو مع بعض internet gateways

الان انا ما عندى ادنى خبرة فى الموضوع

يعنى مش عارف هل بيلزم ال 2 routers يكون معمول عليهم bundle etherchannel layer 3 على ال isp

ولا اعمل Loadbalance بين الراوترين

مش عارف كم اطلب band انترنت لكل راوتر ؟؟؟ هل اشبكهم على سوتش و اعمل etherchannel ؟؟؟

ما بدى اشترى internet و تكون ال Link فاضية أو مثلا انى مش مستغل ال bandwidth اللى عندى صح .

محتاج خبراتكم و اقتراحاتكم ....و يارب المهندس معاذ ينورنا فى الموضوع:):):)


28-11-2012, 16:38
u can get another internet link and do load balance

first get another internet line
your nat will be inside for whatever is inside
and u will have two outside interfaces for ISP1 and ISP2
remove your nat and ACL and create as follows
access-list 1 permit any <if you want to permit all, you can modify the ACL to be even extended or whatever as per your topology or diagram>
then create a route-map as follows
route-map <name it first ISP>10
match ip address 1<where 1 means ACL 1 if extended put it same number>
match interface <first interface going to first ISP>
then again create another route-map to the second ISP
route-map <name of second ISP> 10
match ip address <number of the ACL:>
match interface <second interface going to to second ISP>

then create nat as following
ip nat inside source route-map <<the exact same name of route-map created for ISP1> interface <isp1 interface> overload
ip nat inside source route-map <<the exact same name of route-map created for ISP2> interface <isp2 interface> overload

then create default gateway

ip route ip for first ISP or Dialer 0 in case u use PPPoE or interface incase u use DHCP
ip route ip for second ISP or Dialer 1 in case of PPPoE or interface in case of DHCP

then go to ISP interface and type this command
ip load-sharing per-packet
and configure the same command under ISP 2 interface

by created two default GW will make load over both interface, and by making ip load share per packet will send one packet to ISP1 and other to ISP2

if you want to be sure

do debug ip packet
do ping source <ip of internal LAN or interface of internal lan> rep 2
and check if it will send each packet to each interface or not

if you need GNS3 lab to do it let me know and i will create it for u

ya rab akoun sa3tak w no need to buy a new router

for extra optimization you will need QOS but i'm not good at it

28-11-2012, 16:40
simple configuration through GNS3 that will look just the same with different ips and interfaces, but my ISP here acts as Static, it might be DHCP or PPPoE in ur case

interface Loopback0
description MY_LAN_NETWORK
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
interface Loopback1
description LAN
no ip address
interface FastEthernet0/0
description ISP1
ip address
ip load-sharing per-packet
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet1/0
description ISP2
ip address
ip load-sharing per-packet
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly
duplex auto
speed auto
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route
ip route
ip nat inside source route-map ACL1 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
ip nat inside source route-map ACL2 interface FastEthernet1/0 overload
access-list 1 permit any
route-map ACL2 permit 10
match ip address 1
match interface FastEthernet1/0
route-map ACL1 permit 10
match ip address 1
match interface FastEthernet0/0

Dr Virus.exe
28-11-2012, 17:28
أخى الكريم
شكرا على مشاركتك الجميلة و لكن اعذرنى لانى ما فهمتك منيح

اول حاجة انا على ال 7200 ما عندى غير انترفيس واحد للنت لانو واحد شابكو على سيرفر الكاش و التانى على سوتش و بهيك بيفضل كبيل واحد بينى و بين ال isp و انا مشغلو فايبر .

بخصوص ال loadbalance انا مش متخيل ال topology اللى حضرتك شرحتو ..... ممكن توضح لى ال topology كيف هيصير???

انا المشتركين بياخدوا عندى انترنت من خلال ال adsl
يعنى بشكل بسيط عندى ال topology كالتالى:
client adsl router=============>pstn network==========>my router(Bras)>==========>switch>===========>gatewayrouter>=========internet

الان كل تركيزى على الاروتر الازرق ايش اللى هيتغير فى الرسمة
يعنى هل اطلب كمان شعرتين فايبر غير الموجودين عندى ؟؟؟

28-11-2012, 20:15

my skype ID is Ah.bakir

add me

Dr Virus.exe
28-11-2012, 20:17
i did


29-11-2012, 00:05
what about GLBP

Dr Virus.exe
29-11-2012, 11:11
what about GLBP

thanks Mr Gawad for your reply

i have many choices
one of my choices is to use core switch
