المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعدة بخصوص الاكسشينج 2010

21-01-2013, 09:00
شباب تحياتي انا عندي استفسار عن موضوع الاسشينج 2010 انا نزلت الاكسشينج عندي على السيرفر و بفضل الله و من ثم فضل شباب الموقع بمشاركاتهم قدرت اكمله و كل اشي تمام لاكن عندي مشكلة انا حاليا عندي الايمل شغال على الاوتلك و OWA من داخل الدومين و مافي مشاكل بش المشكلة بتصير لما عندي لما يجي يوزر من دومين ثاني احاول ان اكنفيج الاوتلوك تاعه بيعطيني مشكلة انه اما السيرفر مش شابك او معطل
بس غملت فحص على موقع ميكروسفت و اعطاني النتيجة هذي

esting RPC/HTTP connectivity.
The RPC/HTTP test failed.

Test Steps

ExRCA is attempting to test Autodiscover for reservation@test.com.
Testing Autodiscover failed.

Test Steps

Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service.
The Autodiscover service couldn't be contacted successfully by any method.

Test Steps

Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://test.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.

Test Steps

Attempting to resolve the host name test.com in DNS.
The host name resolved successfully.

Additional Details
IP addresses returned:
Testing TCP port 443 on host test.com to ensure it's listening and open.
The port was opened successfully.
Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation checks.

Test Steps

ExRCA is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server test.com on port 443.
ExRCA successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.

Additional Details
Remote Certificate Subject: E=info@parallels.com, CN=Parallels Panel, OU=Parallels Panel, O=Parallels,

L=Herndon, S=Virginia, C=US, Issuer: E=info@parallels.com, CN=Parallels Panel, OU=Parallels Panel, O=Parallels,

L=Herndon, S=Virginia, C=US.
Validating the certificate name.
Certificate name validation failed.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it

Additional Details
Host name test.com doesn't match any name found on the server certificate E=info@parallels.com,

CN=Parallels Panel, OU=Parallels Panel, O=Parallels, L=Herndon, S=Virginia, C=US.
Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL

Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.

Test Steps

Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.test.com in DNS.
The host name couldn't be resolved.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it

Additional Details
Host autodiscover.test.com couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
The attempt to contact Autodiscover using the HTTP Redirect method failed.

Test Steps

Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.test.com in DNS.
The host name couldn't be resolved.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it

Additional Details
Host autodiscover.test.com couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
ExRCA failed to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.

Test Steps

Attempting to locate SRV record _autodiscover._tcp.test.com in DNS.
The Autodiscover SRV record wasn't found in DNS.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it

21-01-2013, 11:28
? Is that Second Domain has a trust relationship with the Main Domain
Did you configured the DNS Value for the Clients Correctly ? try to ping The Exchange using the FQDN

? Did you make a new accepted Domain for your new domain