المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : i pass the exam last few hours

07-03-2007, 03:12
Thanks for Allah , I pass the CCNA Exam from just few hours and most of the question is from the last Pass4Sure ( 212 question ) --- except 3 questions ( i had 1 simulation question ACL which is included at the new pass4sure ) --- also there is question of ( senario which include 5 question and i could not pass this question )

just study CCNA carefully and then review the last pass4sure and i think Allah will give success for you all .

07-03-2007, 07:37
مبروك أخي ولكن إنتبه أرجوك

قد يتم سحب الشهادة منك وحرمانك مدى الحياة من تقديم أي إمتحان لشركة Cisco فأرجوك أن تتنتبه.

لو سألت لماذا فأنظر في المواضيع المثبتة في قسم شهادات Cisco عن مشاركة بعنوان:

إنتبه فقد يتم سحب الشهادة منك !!!!!

والسلام عيكم

07-03-2007, 11:21
there is question of senario which include 5 question and i could not pass this question

can i know what do u mean by senario?