المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Question عن كيفية ايجاد الـ IP وعمل Telent ؟

16-01-2008, 11:57
How do I know the IP address of my machine. I am running windows server 2003?

Iraq IT
16-01-2008, 12:01
السلام عليكم

اخي يرجى ان يكون عنوان الموضوع دال لمحتواه ...

من Start

ثم Run

اكتب CMD

ثم ipconfig /all

16-01-2008, 14:12
I did try ipconfig /all
but when I use what is my IP address web I get a different IP...

which one is my real IP ?

Iraq IT
16-01-2008, 14:36
الـ IP Address هو IP حاسبتك، ضع لنا النتيجة ونحكم اذا Real او Private ...

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:40:06

16-01-2008, 15:04
الـ IP Address هو IP حاسبتك، ضع لنا النتيجة ونحكم اذا Real او Private ...

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:40:06

لا ياحاج عراقى اعتقد ان الاخ قصده الاى بى الخارجى مش الداخلى (الشبكه) اللى هو بيظهر لما تدخل امر ipconfig /all بص يامان الموقع ده هو اللى هيديك الاى بى بتاعك وجرب وقولى

16-01-2008, 16:08
when I visit www.get-ip.org (https://www.get-ip.org/) I ge t
Your IP is and when I do ipconfig /all
I get
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

two different IP..
which one should I use to telnet to my machine ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Iraq IT
16-01-2008, 16:20
ماهي الـ Gateway في شبكتك؟ هل هي ISA Server ام cisco Router ام ماذا؟

16-01-2008, 18:35
ياجماعه حاولوا تفرقوا بين External IP و ال Internal IP

Iraq IT
16-01-2008, 18:39
ياجماعه حاولوا تفرقوا بين External IP و ال Internal IP

من هم الجماعة !!!

16-01-2008, 18:56
من هم الجماعة !!!
الجماعه دول من الاهل والاحباب

"Internal IP" is another term for a non-routable IP address. An IP address is a unique identifier on the Internet, like a telephone number, and non-routable means that a router will never forward packets to a computer or other device that has a non-routable IP address (if you don't know what a router is, find the "what is a router" question

"External IP" is another term for a routable IP address. When people talk about internal and external IPs, they are usually talking about a NAT router. NAT stands for Network Address Translation, and the form of it that most people are familiar with is the form that allows multiple computers to share a single Internet connection via one physical connection to the ISP. If you have a NAT router in your home, each computer connected to it has an internal IP, while the router itself is assigned an external IP. If you didn't have a router, the external IP would be assigned to whatever computer is connected to your ISP.

16-01-2008, 19:01
توضيح اخر واحسن
An external address is like a telephone number that anyone can phone.
It has to be unique (and should be allocated to you).
(Imagine if two people had the same phone number for completely different houses - who would get the call - similar problem would occur with computers with the same external number).
Using that IP address (telephone number) any other computer connected to the web can talk to you (any phone on the phone exchange can phone you), unless you limit them in some way (firewalls etc - a bit like call barring).

An internal address is more like an extension number within an office.
It is unique within that office but another office belonging to another company may have the same internal extension number. It does not have to be allocated by an external authority - it is controlled by the company itself. Depending on how things are set-up, external computers may be able to talk to your computer or may not - similar to an internal phone.

The use of internal IP addresses means we have not run out of external addresses. The number of computers connected to the web exceeds the number of external IP addresses using the original set of numbers. (This is being extended IP6).

16-01-2008, 19:54
thanks all

I got it now...


16-01-2008, 20:21
thanks all

I got it now...


طيب يامعلم ماتقول لنا كانت ايه المشكله وكيف حلتها علشان اللى يدخل الموضوع يستفيد
وياترى اى IP افادك اللوكال (Internal) ولا الخارجى اللى هو خاص بالنت (External)