المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : i want help in mac address

04-03-2008, 17:02
salamo 3likom
could someone help me in what is the function of the local bit in the mac address i read it in the book but i donot get it

05-03-2008, 12:07
الله يكرمك اكتب بالعربى يعنى لو تفصل

05-03-2008, 12:57
السلام عليكم
اولا اشكرك على اهتمامك وعلى النصيحة
انا اسأل عن وظيفة ال local bit فى ال MAC address لانى لم أفهم ما هى وظيفته
وجزاك الله خيرا

05-03-2008, 15:09
A universally administered address is uniquely assigned to a device by its manufacturer; these are sometimes called "burned-in addresses" (BIA). The first three octets (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octet_%28computing%29) (in transmission order) identify the organization that issued the identifier and are known as the Organizationally Unique Identifier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizationally_Unique_Identifier) (OUI). The following three (MAC-48 and EUI-48) or five (EUI-64) octets are assigned by that organization in nearly any manner they please, subject to the constraint of uniqueness. The IEEE expects the MAC-48 space to be exhausted no sooner than the year 2100 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2100); EUI-64s are not expected to run out in the foreseeable future.

A locally administered address is assigned to a device by a network administrator, overriding the burned-in address. Locally administered addresses do not contain OUIs.

Universally administered and locally administered addresses are distinguished by setting the second least significant bit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_significant_bit) of the most significant byte of the address. If the bit is 0, the address is universally administered. If it is 1, the address is locally administered. The bit is 0 in all OUIs. For example, 02-00-00-00-00-01. The most significant byte is 02h. The binary is 00000010 and the second least significant bit is 1. Therefore, it is a locally administered address

05-03-2008, 16:54
السلام عليكم
اشكرك على هذا التوضيح
جزاك الله جيرا

05-03-2008, 17:04
ولكن فى كتاب ال CCNA ال local bit is الثانيه من ناحية اليسار مثل 01000000 اما توضيحك فأنه يتكلم عن IPv6