المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فيديوهات ترح استخدام الباك تراك لاختراق الشبكات اللاسلكية

06-09-2008, 16:43
Offensive Security Wireless Attacks - Backtrack conf

Offensive Security Wireless Attacks", also known as "BackTrack WiFu" is a course designed for penetration testers and security enthusiasts who need to learn to implement various active and passive Wireless (802.11 2.4 GHz) attacks. The course is based on the Wireless Attack suite - Aircrack-ng.

The course was designed by Thomas d'Otreppe and Mati Aharoni in an attempt to organise and summarise today's relevant WiFi attacks. This course will kick-start your WiFu abilities, and get you cracking WEP and WPA using the latest tools and attacks in no time!
How does it work?
Your registration to the course entitles you to the downloadable "Offensive Security Wireless Attacks" course videos. You can watch these videos using a PC with speakers and a modern browser - at your own leisure.
Unlike "Offensive Security 101", the labs for this course will be hosted by the student. The student is expected to purchase or previously own a dedicated Wireless Access Point and a wireless card which supports traffic injection



كما يوجود مجموعة اخرى عامة و هي:
Offensive Security 101 v.2.0" is a course designed for network administrators and security professionals who need to get acquainted with the world of offensive security. The course introduces the latest hacking tools and techniques, and includes remote live labs for exercising the material presented to the students.

This course gives a solid understanding of the penetration testing process, and is equally important for those wanting to either defend or attack their network.

Offensive Security 101 v.1.0 qualifies you for 40 ISC2 CPE Credits. This applies to students who submit their exercise documentation at the end of the course, or pass the certification challenge.



06-09-2008, 16:53
قبل لما احمل اقول لك جزاك الله الف خير على المجهود الرائع هذا

king sabri
07-09-2008, 18:11
شكرا يا باشا جاري التحميل و التطبيق

يا رب نلاقي فيهم حل لل WPA2 علشان مش لاقيلها حل :D

08-09-2008, 03:52
السلام عليكم ، شكرا على الفيديوهات ،،

الفيدوهات الاولى هي ليست دورة WiFu انما حديث في مؤتمر للهكر ، واللي كان يتكلم هو Muts ،، وهذا الحديث هو جزء من دورة BackTrack to the Max

الفيديو الثاني هو الاصدار االاول من Security 101 وليس v2 ،،

شكرا على الموضوع ،،

08-09-2008, 05:07
مشكور اخي العزيز و تم تعديل المشاركة